My New King James Version of the Bible has written in bold black letters just above Matthew 13: 45:
The parable of the Pearl of Great Price
“Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, (46) who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went, and sold all that he had and bought it.”
· The Rabbi from Nazareth is a Jew, and He is telling this parable to… Jews.
· The oyster has no scales; no fins. To the Hebrew people, the oyster is not kosher.
· The pearl being formed within the oyster, is not of its own, and it being formed unseen by human eyes…is!
If a Hebrew person finds an oyster, he/she will keep, if one exists, the pearl and throw the oyster itself back where it came from…the sea. The merchant that set out to find the beautiful pearls may very well have come across other pearls and found them to be throw backs. What was so special about the one that caused him to sell all that he had to purchase it?
The origin of a pearl doesn’t begin with the oyster. The pearls origin begins the moment a foreign object, a speck of sand maybe, pierces the oyster’s side. Then and only then, doing it God's way and not Man's, does the process of making the pearl begin.
The oyster, having been pierced, now begins the long and tedious process of protecting itself; a time of suffering. The oyster begins to cover the foreign object, and does so, unseen by human eyes. The pearl at this point has no form or recognizable features to it. The pearls beginning…ugly, the pearls destiny…beauty and perfection, but, the process takes the oyster through a period of suffering.
The Jewish Rabbi in Matthew 13 goes on to teach another parable, (47) thru (50), and then in (51) Jesus says to them, “Have you understood all these things?” Then they (Jews) said to Him (Yeshua), “Yes Lord.”
The merchant that went out seeking to find beautiful pearls…he understood. He got it! When he came upon the pearl, that one pearl of great price, he understood that it, the pearl, was greater than anything that he possessed; sold it all for it!
I have heard so many teachings on the pearl of great price. The one thing that has been consistent in all the teachings of it is this:
· Their church is the pearl.
The pearl of great price is the Bride of Messiah Yeshua, His Church, as taught in the first century, nothing more, nothing less. The pearl of great price is made up of Believer’s, Jews and Gentiles one in Messiah…kosher.
The God of Israel is One. If your church is preaching anything less than or more than that...not good!
The Jewish Rabbi is exactly who He says He is, and He, the Son of God agrees with the Father:
While he (Peter) was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them (Peter, James, John, Yeshua, Moses and Elijah); and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” Matthew 17: 5 (NKJV)
The Pearl of Great Price is worthless to you my friends; if you split it in half.
God sent His Son to show and teach us these things.
My advice to you would be to, please, "Hear Him."
In His Care…Jim