This posting is the direct result of John’s comment found
attached to the previous post Titled: Messiah Yeshua’s God is “His God” God.
You’ll find it, John’s comment, with the date and time: March 7, 2014 at 8PM
attached to it.
I’m going to begin by commenting on his last paragraph.
John, you of all people wrote: “No knowledge of Hebrew or Greek is necessary to
answer these questions because the NKJV English version presents the text in
the language we both understand.”
John, you’re not far from the kingdom my friend. You have
repeatedly rebuked everything I’ve given you (as given to me by the Spirit of
God) using the same formula. The [many] comments you’ve left on this blog will
certainly establish that as being a truth. How is it that this (you’re
understanding) is acceptable “in English” for these particular verses (Rev 2: 8
and Isaiah 44: 6) and not for the rest of the “NKJV” New King James Version of
the Bible?
- Do you, John, have the entire “NKJV” Bible broken down
to where you can set aside “separate” the “English,” Hebrew,” and “Greek” understanding
(according to you of course) of each word “verse,” to the point where the
Spirit of God is not necessary in your “teaching” understanding of them; being
Biblically correct in all your ways?
- Don’t worry everyone out there, whatever language your version
of the Bible is written in, the Spirit of God is able to give you the
understanding of Yeshua’s teachings found within it; let alone Genesis to Revelation
(that according to the Scriptures).
John, how about using the same formula (especially the “no
Greek” side of it) in your reading of my answers to your questions; they will
be coming from an English “NKJV,” Bible; as given to me by the Spirit of God;
which will be in agreement with everything Yeshua (as given to Him by God)
said, and did.
John, the answer to your first Question:
“Revelation 2: 8” is Messiah Yeshua
Your second question:
“Isaiah 44: 6” is Messiah Yeshua’s God, and Father (that
according to the Scriptures), who just so happened to choose Messiah as the
means of accomplishing His plan of redemption for His chosen People (Israel)
and salvation for the world (Gentiles included). As a matter of fact He, God,
He called it “It is too small a thing” an easy thing for Him to do: Indeed He
(God) says, ‘It is too small a thing that You (Messiah) should be My (God)
Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob (Israel), And to restore the
preserved ones of Israel; I (God) will also give You (Messiah) as a light to the Gentiles,
that You (Messiah) should be My (God) salvation to the ends of the earth.’ ” God, Isaiah 49: 6, NKJV
Yeshua, and in His own words, is “the
beginning of the creation of God” (Revelation 3: 14, NKJV), and
everything He had was “I (God) will also give You (Messiah)” given to Him by God; which
clearly establishes He did not have it to [begin]
with. I repeat, “Which clearly establishes He did not have it to [begin] with;” key word being “begin”.
“Besides Me there is no God” would certainly be in agreement
with everything Yeshua (as given to Him by God) said, and did. Yeshua certainly
established God as being not only His God in the Scriptures, He, and this is as
Yeshua spoke directly to God (John 17: 3, NKJV), called “You,” God “You, the only true
God” the only true God.
God is! Messiah is the beginning (first) and the end (last)
of God’s plan of redemption for His chosen People (Israel), and salvation for
the world (Gentiles included); as given to me by the Spirit of God; which will
be in agreement with everything Yeshua (as given to Him by God) said, and did.
1 Corinthians 15: 28 (NKJV) gives us: “Now when all things are
made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put
all things under Him, that God may be all in all.” I can safely say “all in
all” includes not only God’s chosen People, but Gentiles and Messiah Yeshua
John, would you (for the sake of the viewing audience) please
bring clarity as to how your [explanation/interpretation] of Revelation 2: 8
(NKJV) and Isaiah 44: 6 (NKJV) would differ from Micah’s, Saul’s (called Paul),
Peter’s, John’s, and Yeshua’s words calling God “My God, His God, the God and
Father of” Yeshua’s God and Father (found in the post you have chosen to attach your
comment to) while at the same time declaring it/them, your “answer,” to be Biblically,
God bless!
In His Loving Care…Jim