mercy, and truth will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus
Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. 2 John 3 (NKJV)
the precious and beautiful name of Messiah Yeshua “Jesus,” greetings.
“Whosoever will be saved, before all things, it is necessary
that he hold the catholic (i. e. ,
universal, (Christian) faith. Which faith except every one do keep whole
and undefiled without doubt he shall perish
everlastingly.” - First two
sentences of the Anthanasian Creed.
“Furthermore, it is necessary to
everlasting salvation that he also believe faithfully the incarnation of our
Lord Jesus Christ. For the right faith is, that we believe and confess that our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is
God and Man.” – Anthanasian Creed
“This is the catholic (Christian) faith; which except you
believe faithfully and firmly, you cannot
be saved.” - Last sentence of
the Anthanasian Creed.
Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him,
and he in God. 1 John 4:15.
The Anthanasian Creed disrespects 1 John 4:15, let alone those
trusting the [Bible] to be sufficient enough as is. It doesn’t matter when where or how one
“learns” about the Anthanasian Creed, they shouldn’t give it a second thought. Whatever “This is the catholic (Christian)
faith” is, it never should have made its way into the twenty first century.
According to the Anthanasian Creed “Whosoever will be
saved, before all things” one [must] believe, “the catholic (i. e. ,
universal, (Christian) faith,” lest they “perish everlastingly,” and
“cannot be saved.”
“Whosoever will be saved, before
all things” clearly supersedes everything Jesus accomplished in the first
Looking again at 1 John 4:15, “Whoever confesses that
Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God,” I hope you see Jesus
for who He really is, the Son of God.
Realize that the Anthanasian Creeds, “is God and Man,” [truly] adds
something to 1 John 4:15 that isn’t there.
As one who loves Jesus, and who [contentedly] rests in “Whoever
confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God,” I
reject the Anthanasian Creed altogether.
The [Biblically] correct thing for anyone to say, is “Jesus is the
Son of God.”
I believe and confess Jesus is the Son of God, because the
[Bible] tells me so. It’s the
exclamation of every [true] follower of Messiah Yeshua “Jesus.”
I can safely say that Jesus gave us no reason to believe
that 1 John 4:15, as is, doesn’t agree with what He accomplished in the first
century. The Anthanasian Creed however
forces 1 John 4:15 to be insufficient evidence as is, thus contradicting
everything Jesus accomplished in the first century.
What then? Only that in every way,
whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and
in this I rejoice, yes, and
will rejoice. Philippians 1:18 (NKJV)
It’s time to recognize the difference between “pretense”
and “truth,” especially when it comes to the salvation of one’s soul. We ought to “rejoice,” at the mere mentioning
of Jesus’ name, but we don’t have to agree with everything that’s being said
about Him.
For example we can choose to celebrate on December 25th
as such, but we don’t have to believe Jesus was actually born on December 25th
to be saved. We just need to believe in
Jesus. Taking it one step further one
can choose to not celebrate Jesus’ birth all without fear that this decision
dooms one to hell’s fire as long as they believe in Jesus. Finally, for the believer in the [Biblical]
Jesus, who knows the “truth” that Jesus is the Son of God, you are most
definitely saved without the “pretense” of the Anthanasian Creed.
Trust the [Bible] to be more than
sufficient enough as is, and the Anthanasian Creed will always fall on the
wrong side of the truth.
The person confessing “that Jesus is the Son of God”
isn’t bound to, “before all things” one [must] believe the Anthanasian
Creed and thus the doctrine of the trinity.
Followers of the Anthanasian Creed need to ask themselves the question,
who’s teaching the Anthanasian Creed as sound doctrine? They should also find out why no one in the
[Bible] is teaching, unless one believes the doctrine of the trinity one “cannot
be saved.”
We have come to the end of another year, another
decade. It is a time to reflect on the
past while looking towards the future.
You see here my reflection on the past, the Anthanasian Creed but more
importantly, the [Bible]. In the future,
I pray you continue to keep your eyes on Jesus.
In 2020 and beyond, let’s have the mind set of doing what Jesus, not
man, commanded us to do.
“This is My commandment, that you love
one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12 (NKJV)
Sharing what Jesus accomplished in the first century, God’s
plan of salvation in a nutshell, points towards loving “one another as”
Jesus “loved” us.
With the love of Christ Jesus, “Happy New Year!”
God bless.
In His Care… Jim