Two people believe Jesus is the Son of God and everything is fine until one of them says to the other, unless you believe “the Son is God” “you cannot be saved.”
It’s Sunday. A man enters the local church. He’s in town on business and hasn’t been seen inside a church for over fifty years, except for weddings and funerals. If you kew this man you’d say, he’s not interested in hearing about the [Bible]. He’s greeted by many, but remains a stranger to them.
The message he heard that day was taken straight from the [Bible], believe in Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Unbeknownst to those present that day the man wasn’t saved when he entered the church.
Praise God, before the entire congregation, the man confessed to being a sinner, thanked Jesus for dying on a cross for him, and now believes in Jesus Christ. If I was present that day, I’d say this man is saved.
After church the man was invited to lunch, an opportunity to celebrate the moment. During this time he mentioned that he was in town for another week, and would like to get together again. “There’s a [Bible] study on Wednesday night,” they said. With great joy, he accepts the invitation.
It’s Wednesday. For the first time this born again believer in Jesus Christ heard, unless one believes the doctrine of the “Trinity” they cannot be saved. Confused, the man says, “Am I saved? Sunday’s message opened my eyes as to who Jesus is, what He did for me. It changed my life. All I want to do now is tell people about Jesus. What is this doctrine of the trinity?”
The last sentence of the Anthanasian Creed reads like this, “This is the catholic (Christian) faith; which except you believe faithfully and firmly, you cannot be saved.” When you say, unless one believes “the Son is God” [the doctrine of the trinity] one “cannot be saved,” you’re safeguarding the high priest of all false doctrines. Nothing has caused more people to turn away from Biblical truths to false teachings, than the Anthanasian Creed.
If you should find yourself doubting your salvation, because something threatening your position in Christ has crossed your path, stand on Scripture alone. Believers in Christ Jesus aren’t subject to the cares of this world, things contradicting God’s plan of salvation. When you believe in the purpose for Jesus’ shed blood on a cross [death], that He is risen indeed [resurrection], that is God’s plan of salvation in nutshell, and it safeguards us from false doctrines.
Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:5 (NKJV)