From One Believer To Another

From One Believer to Another

If this is your first time visiting this blog, “Welcome!”

As you read, I pray you’ll not see me as being angry at anyone. Firm at times with some, I’ll agree with that. I know that no matter what a person has gone through, things they’ve said or done, or still doing for that matter, there’s a 50/50 chance of my having sought forgiveness for doing the exact same thing at one time or another. I know the battle is not against flesh and blood my friend.

Throughout this blog you will find me quoting things heard on the radio. You’ll not find the names of those who said these things in the posts. I do document their names, the date, time, and radio station call sign on my copy of the original document. I do not publish these details because our mission should be to expose the false teachings not to personally attack the person.

If you should continue reading my friend, you will find the Anthanasian Creed being exposed for what it is, a false doctrine. The word of God having the final say. My trusting in He who knows hears and sees all things, the God of the [Bible].

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Visit from an Elder

On the 12th of December, 2011, I received a visit from one of the Elder’s from the church my wife and I attended before my book was released. The get together was unscheduled and a pleasant surprise for me. I had met with this Elder on previous occasions before; at my favorite place…Starbucks. After a warm greeting, I asked him if he would get in trouble if it be known he was talking with me. ???...I had to ask because of situations brought to my attention by others from the same church. We went on to talk for forty minutes or so. I can assure you, they (Pastors and Elders) believe they’re doing what’s right. I get it and I’m fine with it. Saying Jesus is not God is Huge!  I need to continue to trust in the Spirit of God and show not only love, but, patience. God was certainly patient with me before He called me to preach the message He placed in my care. He was certainly with me throughout the entire forty minute conversation with the Elder. I’m going to show mercy and say only this: Having the stones in my hands with a tight grip, and then…gently, dropping them to the ground…Adversary ZERO…Spirit of God 100%.
 I (Jim) would recommend to that elder that he reread from my book, the chapter titled: I am a ___!  For those that do not have the book, I’m going to quote from page 64: “The gift of Salvation is a free gift from God even though the price was high in making it (Salvation) available. We are to offer it freely. You can keep all your religious titles, and beautiful buildings, neither of them have anything to do with Salvation. They offer nothing but to act as your personal identity. I am a____! You can fill in the blank with the denomination you belong to. Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not angry. What I am and I believe the Spirit of God is leading the way here, is disappointed as to how you defend the “Name” of your church and neglect to guard the trust that has been placed in your care, the inspired word of God. If you think for one second your church is the only way…please, examine yourself. There’s only one Church that has it right and it’s not because of anything they have done. The Bride (Church) of Messiah Yeshua is scattered all over the world and they love and keep His commandments. They’re within the walls of your church and meeting place. They’re your next door neighbors. You’ll know them by their fruit. The world sees how divided the “Christian” church is, and whatever flavor (Teaching) they’re (the world) looking for, they’ll find it. The only teaching that should be served is Salvation, on the Rock (Yeshua)!! You start preaching the word of God and watch how attendance drops. Then watch how God fills your church with “Believer’s.”"
That piece of the chapter, nor anything else written in my book, was written for the church I attended alone, but, for all churches that call themselves, a body of believer’s.
My friend (the Elder), God knows everything that has been said behind closed doors and in the open; at Starbucks with you, and my get together with the four Pastors and the one (not you) Elder present at church.  I’m at peace with the One that Messiah Yeshua calls His God and Father.
I have had students approach me with this question: “Jim, I have to take a class on evolution, I need the credits to get my degree. I don’t believe in it, but I have to pass the test. Jim, what do I do?”
My response: Take the test! Answer the questions correctly…God knows your situation my friend. Do not forget what Abraham did.  He took the low road when he said Sarah was his sister. Abraham was correct in saying that, but Sarah held a higher position in Abrahams life…Sarah was his wife. Abraham was afraid of dying. God still blessed Abraham and Sarah. You go and take the test…don’t worry about what Man is going to say or think. You live your life for God…the professor; teacher should have no questions on what you truly believe if you do. I said this because the problem the church (I attended) had with me was: “How could you (Jim) come here knowing that you didn’t believe in our doctrine?”
I went through the newcomer’s class and signed your [doctrine] to become a member of your church. That my friend will never happen again! The Spirit of God has set me free from the fear of the doctrines of Man. Just like Abraham and Sarah…God went on to bless my wife and me, and we enjoyed many friendships from within your church. God…just as He knew Abraham…knows my heart.
In His Loving Care…your friend-Jim

John sent a new comment

John-Peace and blessings from the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
John, I will not open your new comment under the posting titled "Interpretation" until you answer the question you've been avoiding: The foundation of the Trinity is centered on the Father and the Son being coequal and coeternal. Yeshua, the Son of God said, "His Father (God) is greater than He." What say you? Is the Father greater than the Son John?
Please read the November posting titled: The Greek System and the Dangers of Following It...again.

In His Loving and Patient Care...Jim

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Heavenly Father, I give thanks for all You have placed in my care. Help me Father to continually seek You in all that I say and do. In the precious name of Your Son, my Friend and Messiah to the Hebrew people...Yeshua! Amen and so be it!
Are you (Jim) saying it is how one interprets scripture? That was Johns question to "Whose Spirit of God is correct?"

I, being led by the Holy Spirit will answer the questions I presented to John,
"Me" Yeshua, the Son of from the corruptions of Christianity.
"Father" God! The Father Word Holy Spirit and these three are one...1 John 5: 7 (NKJV).
Is one greater than the other?...YES! I have no choice but to follow the guidence of the Holy Spirit (see: Who is the Holy Spirit) who has and will (as needed) remind me of all that Yeshua has said and done; as given to Him (Yeshua) by His Father. John 14: 28 (NKJV) reads: "My (Yeshua) Father (God) is greater than I (Yeshua)."
 Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as many ways can you interpret that? Don't get me wrong...this is no joking matter. I couldn't be more serious my friend. As long as people trust in the Greek System...(see: The Greek System and the Dangers of Following It) the simplicity of the Gospel of God will be filled with complications, and Man will continue to seek Man for their answers and they'll call them interpretations. Yeshua said it best..."The blind leading the blind." That's love my friend...God's way!

In His Loving Care...Jim

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

John asking the question "Whose Spirit of God is correct?"

John, you reminded me of the question: "Who determines what is truth if BOTH claim to be relying on the Spirit of God?" You'll have to answer that question for yourself my friend. Matthew 7:21 (NKJV) Yeshua speaking: "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." John, who is "Me", and who is "Father" in Matthew 7: 21? The answer to your question will be determined by how you see them both. My question to you would be: "Is one greater than the other?" In His Loving Care...your friend Jim

Monday, December 5, 2011

To my friend John.

Great comments on your responding to a letter from TW! Nicely done my friend! The answer to all you have written can be found within your comment. John you wrote: "I believe God speaks to us, but this must always be weighed with scripture." BINGO! You couldn't have said it any better my friend. John, you also wrote: "Everyone has a right to their opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong about their facts." My response to that would be: Show me the evidence of your facts. If you present your case with doctrines of Man...I'm not interested in hearing or reading them. I would send you back to your sentence that began with "I believe God speaks to us." John, my Yeshua has been well established within the writtings of my book and this blog. I know you have read the book and this blog...nothing has changed my friend. My Yeshua is the Son of God. John, return to the book,  the chapter titled "Who is My Neighbor" page 52 and you'll see that comparing people and their believes to other denominations has no merit and is dangerous my friend. John you wrote: "I notice an ANTI SCHOLARSHIP trend with some of your comments." My response: NOT AT ALL... like you said, "Everyone has a right to their opinion." John, you wrote: "What if salvation depends on knowing the proper interpretation?" My response: WOW! ??? Three minutes of praying and shaking my head has passed. If you or anyone else believes that...I just prayed for you! SALVATION: Confess you're a sinner...Believe in your heart that Yeshua is the Son of God...Invite the Spirit of God into your heart and believe it is so...Love and keep the commandments of God...I'll see you in New Jerusalem. Great comments John...THANKS! In His Care...Jim

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Responding to a letter from TW

Peace and blessings from the God and Father of our Lord and Savior, Messiah Yeshua!
I received an interesting response to my book and the letter titled The GREEK SYSTEM and the DANGERS of FOLLOWING IT. If this is your first time on my blog, I would suggest you read that letter before continuing on. My book clearly establishes who Yeshua is to me. Yeshua is everything the inspired word of God (NKJV) says He is…the Son of God!
I’m going to respond to some of the questions and statements from the letter I received from TW. She also sent with her letter (3) printed out pamphlets:
·         FACING THE MUSLIM CHALLEGE: Chapter Two…The Doctrine of the Trinity…The Christian Doctrine of God     Pages 1- 13
·         Deity of Jesus Christ by Rueben A. Torrey—Biblical Doctrine—Wholesome Words   Pages  1- 8
Well, I commend your willingness to stand up for what you believe...job well done TW!
I remember those days well…defending the Trinity that is. Your pamphlets were very familiar to me, don’t forget, my battle was decades long.
It was the Spirit of God that set me free from the doctrines of Man.
Question: “Why did you skip over Hebrews 1: 8 in your explanation of your belief?”
My response: Hebrews 1: 8 (NKJV) reads: But to the Son He says: “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.”
·         Hebrews 6: 13-14 (NKJV) reads: For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear to no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, (14) “Surely blessings I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.”
God is not going to say one thing and then contradict Himself and then return back to what he started to say… God had no one or anything else that He could identify or even compare His throne with, so…He said it of Himself. Go back and read Hebrews 1: 5 and 9 and you’ll clearly see that God is greater than His Son and there’s an audience there to back me up; somehow…someway…someone wrote it down.
TW, you wrote: “I don’t think it is wise to disregard the scholarly works of men and women of the faith, who have a better grasp of the hebrew & greek cultures and linguistics.”
·         I agree in the need to investigate, but to say anyone has more “Scholarly works” than another is foolishness. Understanding of a Biblical truth comes from the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God alone! When Yeshua spoke in Matthew 12: 42 (NKJV) He mentioned the wisdom of Solomon and then went on to say “And indeed a greater than Solomon is here.” If you wish to be correct in your remark “A better grasp”, I would recommend you know fully the wisdom of all parties involved. If you’re going to judge people based on their earthly accomplishments without investigating their works, please leave me out…all I have is Yeshua! I KNOW God sent Him to show me where, when, and how to please His Father…God…why should I look any further than Yeshua? He’s pretty clear to me and the Umpire of Truth will keep me on the right path.
TW, you wrote: “The reason He was crucified was because He claimed to be God.”
·         Yeshua was sent to the cross because the people said He (Yeshua) claimed to be the Son of God. Yeshua was correct in His claim…He is the Son of God; show me one verse where Yeshua says He is God. Yeshua said “I and the Father are one.” If I accept Yeshua as the Son of God, and I do, then I am one with God through Yeshua. That’s God’s plan my friend. Yeshua went to the cross to die for the sin of the world.
Question: “Do you even believe the Holy Spirit has personhood or do you think He is just an it, like the essence or aura of God?”
·         See:  Who is the Holy Spirit on my blog; which was posted before I received your letter.
I give thanks and praise to the One…the God of Israel
Thank you for your response. I will not pursue the wisdom of Man, been there, wore the t-shirts, had the hats…no more!! It’s all about Yeshua for me. Yeshua is the way, the truth and the life…”Nuff said!”
That my friend is love…God’s way…In His Merciful and Loving Care…Jim

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Greetings Brothers and Sisters, my name is James “Jim” Masterson. 

My book titled Oh!! My…God?? From One Believer to Another having just been released (August, 2011, AuthorHouse Publishers) has caused quite a stir…Praise God! 

Within the book I used the phrase “The corruptions of Christianity” but didn't go into detail explaining it. The intent of the book was to share a [small] piece of my story. Having spent 100% of my (writing) time on scripts (theater), writing the book became a major breakthrough (praise God) for me. Writing for people sitting on a back porch or at the local coffee shop, was an arena I just never thought I’d enter into; but God!

After conversations with others that have read the book. The Spirit of God has led me to expose the most significant piece of the corruptions of Christianity. If you believe Jesus [is] the Son [of] God…you will be pleased with what God has placed in my care.

My prayer is for you to [allow] the Spirit of God bring understanding to the most important question facing all those calling themselves, "Christian"; it being from the mouth of Pontius Pilate (John 18: 38) “What is truth?”

You’ll be reading the words ["The Greek System"] often, let me make this clear, you don’t have to be Greek to teach, and/or believe in it, that system of belief. I’m half Greek myself from my mother’s side. It’s not about the Greek people.

  • How many times have you heard (pertaining to a specific word in the Bible), "In the Greek it means" or "You can't get the understanding of it unless we go back to the Greek?" If you're confessing the Son of God is God, you'd have no choice but to answer "Many times!"

The Spirit of God set me free from that system of belief.  I’d like to tell you it happened over-night, but I can’t. God knew I would pursue “what is truth” with all my heart, with all my soul, mind, and strength. It was the death of His Son on a cross that paved the way for the Spirit of God to reveal the truth of the Gospel of God to me; no mysteries attached; no interpretations of the Scriptures necessary, it was [Biblical] truth setting me free; and nothing but the truth.

·         The Hebrew way is God’s way.

·         The Greek system is mans, it’s a system [mode] of belief.

God bless! My prayer is to one day see you [in] New Jerusalem!

In His Care…Jim                                                                                                                             


And the


The corruptions of Christianity and the false prophets that teach it are products of the Greek system, a system that took the Son of God, and made Him God.

The Hebrew way offers the only true God for all people, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The only true God has a Son, His only begotten Son, and His name (via Hebrew, Latin, Greek, and then English) is Jesus, He’s the Messiah to the Hebrew speaking Nation (Israel); the chosen one of God. 

·         Messiah Jesus’ obedience to God, His God, and Father, paved the way for all people to return to the only true God, the God of Israel.

The Greek system has no final solution within itself, [you] make the call. If you choose to use the Greek system in your investigation into the inspired word of God, the Bible, you’ll find yourself on a roller coaster ride with its twisting turns (this text to that text, this person's interpretations to that person's interpretations), not noticing the sudden drop just ahead (taking you further and further away from God).  I've been there… done that!  Having tried both sides, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding is far better; and it's leading me towards God.

·         I trust the Spirit of God to give me the understanding of all things within the inspired word of God, and not man interpretations of them. 

Matthew 7: 21-23 (NKJV) with its letters in red (spoken by Jesus):

·         “Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? And then I will declare to them. I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.” 

Wow!  Matthew 7: 21-23 was my wake up call. The Spirit of God then led me to John 14: 6 with its letters in red, also:

·         “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Jesus’ words are pretty clear to me; no mysteries attached; no interpretations of them needed.  “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” are words I never want to hear [and] with “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” clearly establishing Jesus’ role, I better find out who this Jesus (Yeshua) [really] is. [Knowing] I'm doing the right thing, is different than [thinking] I'm doing the right thing.
With the Greek system offering a multitude of interpretations and texts to choose from (making Yeshua God), I couldn't come to that conclusion after what the Spirit of God was teaching me concerning them, Matthew 7: 21-23, and John 14: 6. I said all this to say this, Yeshua, the Son of God, He is not God!

·         It was time for me [praise God] to get off the ride.

The Greek system takes the word “Word” in John 1:1 (NKJV) and translates it into the Greek word logos. Okay…I’m fine with that. A simple translation [use] of a word “logos” from one language to another, but then it makes Yeshua, and by what authority to do so is beyond me, to be “Logos”. Which would then make Him (according to man, of course) “Word was God” God, in John 1: 1. Which clearly contradicts John's writings concerning Yeshua's "God" status; let alone the rest of the Scriptures.

Let's take a look at some Biblical evidence.

First of all, let me begin with this: my wife and I were sitting in church; the Pastor said this to his congregation.  He told us his child said “Dad! Can you explain the Trinity?” The Pastor looking at his child said “No I can’t!!” I commend his honesty; and told him so. 

I haven’t found a person yet that could [prove] explain how the Son of God is God from the Scriptures. Many have tried, but they continue to ignore the [words] of the most important person in their attempt to do so, the words of Yeshua Himself (as given to Him by God). 

Yeshua consistently calls God (in the Scriptures) "My God," His God; in heaven, on His cross, and as He walked on the earth. Therefore, any attempt to make Him God (from within the Scriptures) [now] will be met by them, His words. Apostles Peter, John, and Paul, saying the same thing in their writings will certainly (as needed) be found to be in agreement with them, Yeshua's words, as well.

Here’s one of the many examples I could have chosen from, look at John 20: 11-18 and read how Yeshua uses the words “My” and “your” in verse seventeen; referring to Yeshua's [and] His "brethren" disciples God, [and] Father. I could type a complete page on Yeshua calling God His God, [and] the Father, His Father.

·         If you continue to trust in the Greek system you’ll never see it, Yeshua's" My God," and "your God" establishing God as not only being His disciples God [and] Father, but His, as well; in chapter twenty verse seventeen of the book of John. The same John that gave us John 1: 1; let alone Revelation 1:6.  

I was there once, the truth being right in front of me and I couldn't see it. I heard John 20: 17 many times. I read it over and over again (God knows how many times I quoted it on stage), the truth that is, and I did not see it; Man's interpretations of the Scriptures taking precedence. 

  • The Spirit of God alone [must be] is source of all truths coming from the Scriptures, if [your] desire is to [understand] see them, clearly.

You can have all the conversations you like concerning the inspired word of God. No one within the conversation as it goes around and around is the source of a truth revealed within it. Everything spoken within that conversation must be followed up with an investigation into what has been said. Do not make the assumption that everything said within them is a [Biblical] truth.  If you fail to investigate, just as many have before you, you’ll [easily] accept what was said as a truth. Don’t do it my friend…the Son of God being made God is only one example. It’s endless what man can do with the inspired word of God.

Investigate! Investigate! Investigate!

Here's another one of Yeshua's sayings clearly establishing God as being His "My God," God, in it:

·         Revelation 3: 12 (NKJV) reads: “He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I shall write on him My new name.”

If you continue to trust "man" you’ll never see it, Yeshua calling God (four times mind you) “My God,” His God, in Revelation 3: 12. If you go to man, you could end up with two, three, and only God knows how many more are available to them, answers, trying to explain it; I find they [mostly] ignore it, all together.

·         The Spirit of God is not confused by the different translations, interpretations, of the [Bible] my friend. Trust God. Not man!

Yeshua is the Messiah to the Hebrew people. God’s chosen people. The one true God is the God of Israel and He has a Son, His only begotten Son, who calls the God of Israel, His God.

  • Hebrews 1:5 (NKJV): For to which of the angels did He (God) ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.  I (God) will be to Him (Yeshua) a Father, And He shall be to Me a Son.”                                                                                                                                                                     
  • Hebrews 1: 9 (NKJV) “You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oils of gladness more than Your companions.”

“Therefore [God], [Your] God, has anointed [You] With the oils of gladness [more] than Your [companions].”
Let’s take a look at this sentence.

·         [Your You]: is Yeshua.

·         [More]: would be greater than.

·         [Companions]: would be others. Yeshua was obviously not alone when the anointing took place. He (Yeshua) was certainly chosen over all the others.

·         [God]: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit (1 John 5: 7, NKJV), “and these three are one.”

The reason for the quotations in Hebrews 1: 5 and 9 are to show you that they’re not my words. God said it!!

·      If Yeshua is God, then why aren't God’s words in red?

·       If Yeshua is God in Hebrews 1: 5, not only is He talking to Himself, He’s asking someone to write it down; at a moment in time He (God) called “Today” Things that [should] make you say “hmm?”

I am telling you the truth as given to me by the Spirit of God my friend. The Adversary (Devil) is the father of lies. I know because he once had me; not any more…NOT ANYMORE!!

I’d like to see the Greek system mess this up: A Scribe asked the question (Mark 12: 28-31) “Which is the first commandment of all?” The answer coming from a Jewish man, the Son of God, went like this:

·         “The first of all the commandments is, Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second like it, is this. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12: 28-31 as written, is the Hebrew way...God’s way! Those words written in any language will say the [exact] same thing. When you fulfill one, you will fulfill the other. The [simplicity] of the gospel of God is fulfilled in those words given to us in Mark 12: 28-31; by the Son of God, Himself. 

Here’s a small piece of my story, and the struggles I faced in pursuit of “What is truth?”

John 18: 33-34 Pilate speaking to Yeshua: “Are You the King of the Jews?” Yeshua replies: “Are you speaking for yourself about this, or did others tell you this concerning Me?” 

After Yeshua tells Pilate about His kingdom “not being of this world” Pilate says again, “Are You a king then?” Yeshua answered, “You say rightly that I am a king, for this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.” Pilate then gives us those famous words:

·         “What is truth?”

My search for the truth began decades ago. I believed what I was hearing about Yeshua, the Son of God. Why shouldn’t I believe it? What I was hearing was coming from people I was taught to [trust] and [respect]. Besides, if I was to go against it…not good! My search began; secretly…I thought. As time went on I realized I wasn’t alone. The Spirit of God began to bring truth and understanding my way. I knew that because everything the Spirit of God revealed to me lined up with what was written in the Bible; with no interpretations required.

·      The Spirit of God was giving me an understanding of a personal relationship with my heavenly Father, God. The battle was on; one side being Priests, Ministers and friends telling me one thing, the Spirit of God showing, and teaching me, another; the word of God, the [Bible], being the battle field; within myself.

Being taught to trust and respect Priests, Ministers, and Teachers, teaching Yeshua was God, and not wanting to lose friends, made the battle tough. The battle became the same question asked by Pilate “What is truth?” I can look back now and safely say the Spirit of God set me on a journey to find “what is truth” and the price of finding it would be (on an earthly level) high.

The battle didn't begin at the source of the problem…I didn't know who Athanasius was.  Remember, we’re talking about decades here and there is no internet at my disposal. Since there’s a battle going on, there had to be at least two sides fighting, in my case two, one side being what I was hearing:

·         “So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not three Gods, but one God. And in this Trinity none is before or after other; none is greater or less than other; but the whole three Persons are coeternal together, and coequal.”-Anthanasian Creed (325-AD)

The other side being, the inspired word of God; where “Trinity” could not be found. 

The two sides now have a name…God vs. Anthanasian Creed (325-AD). I had the combatants side by side and began my investigation, and with the Spirit of God leading the way, it didn’t take long to see the evidence begin to lean toward one side.

The Anthanasian Creed says of the Trinity “None is greater or less than the other.” The inspired word of God says in John 14: 28 with its letters in red…Son of God speaking: “I am going to the Father, for My Father is greater than I;” God one, Anthanasian Creed, zero. 

·         [“Zero”] cancels out the entire Creed; not that there isn't more problems with it.

Everything within the Anthanasian Creed must be in agreement if it is to have Yeshua “coeternal” and “coequal” with His Father (God). Yeshua does say, “My [Yeshua] Father [God] is [greater] than I [Yeshua].”
The battle branched out to other areas of my life…who and how do I tell this to? At the conception of Athanasius’ paradox of  there being three Gods not being three Gods, but one “Trinity” God, people were thrown out of church while others paid a much higher price for refusing to accept it. I call them…believers! 

The Spirit of God reminded me of two very important words “Fear not!” My Brothers and Sisters that have gone on to be with the Lord Yeshua (The One to be Ruler over Israel) received the same words. I'm sure! The Spirit of God gives them “fear not” to you today as you stand up for “what is truth,” the Gospel of God.


The truth is Yeshua [is] the Son of God.  The devil could care less about the person believing the lie, “the Son is God;” misery loves company.  Yes, I was once blind, but now I see. Any word that comes my way now (concerning Yeshua's "God" status) will be challenged! To date: Devil 0, Spirit of God, 100%. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Yeshua is the King of the Jews; therefore, every knee (to the glory of God) will bow down to Him just as they would a king on earth; confessing He is Lord, the One to be Ruler over Israel. 

·         Luke 1: 32-33 (NKJV) the angel Gabriel speaking to Mary, the mother of Yeshua: “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His (lower case f) father, David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob (Israel) forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” 

The angel Gabriel was speaking to a Jewish woman. Mary didn’t need an explanation as to what the throne of David was. David was king of Israel. Her question was centered on the fact that she’s a virgin and how could she have a child? You hear it every Christmas.

 Let’s look at the thrones in heaven:

·         Revelation 3: 21 (NKJV) letters in red: “To him who overcomes (Believer’s) I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.”

1)      Throne number one: The Son of God who [had] to overcome, sitting on His throne with Believer’s that [had] to overcame.

2)      Throne number two: The Father, who [did not] have to overcome, on His throne.

I guarantee you; one of the thrones [is] greater than the other:

·         “The FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY SPIRIT, and these three are ONE.” (1 John 5: 7.)

My battle is over! Word, God, is in heaven; sitting on [His] throne.

Yeshua, the Son [of] God, and not “Word was God,” God, He’s King of kings and Lord of lords sitting on [His] throne; [with] the overcomers (Believers). “And of His [kingdom] there will be no end!”

Blessed be the God and Father of my Lord, Savior, and Friend, Messiah to the Hebrew people, King of kings and Lord of lords, the Son of God…Yeshua.


·         When you hear a teaching on Yeshua, take that teaching back to Yeshua; find out what He said. You would want the same done with something said about you. Let the words of Yeshua, as given to Him by His Father determine “what is truth,” for you.

“Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like minded toward one another, according to Messiah Yeshua, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God [and] Father [of] our Lord (the One to be Ruler over Israel) Yeshua [the] Messiah.” Romans 15: 5-6 (with a touch of Hebrew)

Hashem Yeshua (in the name of Jesus)…so be it!!

In Love, In His Care…Jim

For more on the "Greek System" see "Alpha" and "Omega" 2/21/15