On the 12th of December, 2011, I received a visit from one of the Elder’s from the church my wife and I attended before my book was released. The get together was unscheduled and a pleasant surprise for me. I had met with this Elder on previous occasions before; at my favorite place…Starbucks. After a warm greeting, I asked him if he would get in trouble if it be known he was talking with me. ???...I had to ask because of situations brought to my attention by others from the same church. We went on to talk for forty minutes or so. I can assure you, they (Pastors and Elders) believe they’re doing what’s right. I get it and I’m fine with it. Saying Jesus is not God is Huge! I need to continue to trust in the Spirit of God and show not only love, but, patience. God was certainly patient with me before He called me to preach the message He placed in my care. He was certainly with me throughout the entire forty minute conversation with the Elder. I’m going to show mercy and say only this: Having the stones in my hands with a tight grip, and then…gently, dropping them to the ground…Adversary ZERO…Spirit of God 100%.
I (Jim) would recommend to that elder that he reread from my book, the chapter titled: I am a ___! For those that do not have the book, I’m going to quote from page 64: “The gift of Salvation is a free gift from God even though the price was high in making it (Salvation) available. We are to offer it freely. You can keep all your religious titles, and beautiful buildings, neither of them have anything to do with Salvation. They offer nothing but to act as your personal identity. I am a____! You can fill in the blank with the denomination you belong to. Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not angry. What I am and I believe the Spirit of God is leading the way here, is disappointed as to how you defend the “Name” of your church and neglect to guard the trust that has been placed in your care, the inspired word of God. If you think for one second your church is the only way…please, examine yourself. There’s only one Church that has it right and it’s not because of anything they have done. The Bride (Church) of Messiah Yeshua is scattered all over the world and they love and keep His commandments. They’re within the walls of your church and meeting place. They’re your next door neighbors. You’ll know them by their fruit. The world sees how divided the “Christian” church is, and whatever flavor (Teaching) they’re (the world) looking for, they’ll find it. The only teaching that should be served is Salvation, on the Rock (Yeshua)!! You start preaching the word of God and watch how attendance drops. Then watch how God fills your church with “Believer’s.”"
That piece of the chapter, nor anything else written in my book, was written for the church I attended alone, but, for all churches that call themselves, a body of believer’s.
My friend (the Elder), God knows everything that has been said behind closed doors and in the open; at Starbucks with you, and my get together with the four Pastors and the one (not you) Elder present at church. I’m at peace with the One that Messiah Yeshua calls His God and Father.
I have had students approach me with this question: “Jim, I have to take a class on evolution, I need the credits to get my degree. I don’t believe in it, but I have to pass the test. Jim, what do I do?”
My response: Take the test! Answer the questions correctly…God knows your situation my friend. Do not forget what Abraham did. He took the low road when he said Sarah was his sister. Abraham was correct in saying that, but Sarah held a higher position in Abrahams life…Sarah was his wife. Abraham was afraid of dying. God still blessed Abraham and Sarah. You go and take the test…don’t worry about what Man is going to say or think. You live your life for God…the professor; teacher should have no questions on what you truly believe if you do. I said this because the problem the church (I attended) had with me was: “How could you (Jim) come here knowing that you didn’t believe in our doctrine?”
I went through the newcomer’s class and signed your [doctrine] to become a member of your church. That my friend will never happen again! The Spirit of God has set me free from the fear of the doctrines of Man. Just like Abraham and Sarah…God went on to bless my wife and me, and we enjoyed many friendships from within your church. God…just as He knew Abraham…knows my heart.
In His Loving Care…your friend-Jim
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