“That the God
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the spirit of
wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,” Ephesians 1:17 (NKJV)
the precious and beautiful name of Messiah Yeshua “Jesus,” greetings.
While listening to the local “Christian” radio station I
heard a pastor say, “Always remember, the gospel is first”. It doesn’t matter what was said leading up to
the pastor saying, or after “Always remember the gospel is first.” It’s sound [Biblical] advice.
Have you ever tried to figure out what’s behind the Anthanasian
Creed? Why anyone would even think about
“tampering” with God’s plan of salvation, some two hundred plus years after the
last entry of the New Testament was recorded?
I have. It has been a long time
however, decades, since I’ve given any thought to the possibility of the
Anthanasian Creed being [Biblically] sound.
All the [Biblical] evidence points towards it being the high priest of
all false doctrines. The Anthanasian
Creed gave us its own believe it or else method of salvation in 325-AD.
Here we are some sixteen hundred plus years later, and the
Anthanasian Creeds [false] method of salvation continues to be taught as a
[Biblical] truth when nothing could be further from the truth. You’ll find those teaching that [false]
method of salvation in a variety of places, such as schools, the work place,
but mostly in what’s known to us today as an earthly institution called
If you’ve read the [Bible], you wouldn’t have found the
words “the Son is God” in it. We don’t have to read the [Bible] to come to
that conclusion. In this high tech world
we live in today, one can “google” it to see it’s true.
The person that [has] read the Anthanasian Creed knows it’s
where “the Son is God” [is]
found. The question becomes how did
something concerning the salvation of one’s soul, not mentioned in the inspired
word of God, make its way into the twenty first century?
All the evidence points towards
those having access to the [Bible] in 325-AD, not making provisions for the inspired
word of God to have the final say. It not
only holds true then, it’s the same for those keeping the Anthanasian Creeds
[false] method of salvation up and running ever since.
There’s no [Biblical] evidence of
anyone having to believe the Anthanasian Creed for anything, let alone the [only]
way for a person to be [Biblically] saved.
After the Pastor on the radio said “Always remember, the
gospel is first,” I said, “Nothing is [Biblically] sound unless it first agrees
with Yeshua’s teachings.”
God bless.
In His Care… Jim
Just as I’ve done in prior post, the top ten countries coming onto
this blog in the past thirty days.
United States of America, Ukraine, France, Germany, Russia,
Spain, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Greece, and the Philippines
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