“Blessed be
the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every
spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 (NKJV)
the precious and beautiful name of Messiah Yeshua “Jesus,” greetings.
Becoming a born again believer in Messiah Yeshua, has absolutely
nothing to do with believing the Anthanasian Creeds “the Son is God”. Taking it one step further, the doctrine of
the “Trinity” is superglued to the Anthanasian Creeds “the Son is God.” Having to believe either of them has
absolutely nothing to do with becoming a born again believer in Messiah Yeshua. If you’re teaching that one has to believe
[or else] “the Son is God” to be saved, as a [Biblical] truth, I wouldn’t
do that if I were you.
Followers of the Anthanasian Creed will tell you that the
[Bible] supports it. It won’t be a
problem to prove they’re actually leaning on the teachings of those not
mentioned in the [Bible], for all the answers.
The Anthanasian Creeds “method” of salvation surfaced in
325-AD and, there’s absolutely no reason to believe it’s working in conjunction
with what Messiah Yeshua accomplished in the first century. The events leading up to Jesus’ death burial
and resurrection are well documented and we shouldn’t stray from them. Why anyone would even consider such a thing
is, unimaginable.
But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word of God.’” Luke 4:4 (NKJV)
And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall
worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’” Luke 4:8 (NKJV)
Have you ever heard the phrase, “It is written”? When I hear it, I immediately think of “Jesus”. His encounter with Satan in the wilderness
(Luke 4:4 and 8). When I [quote] Jesus’ teachings,
I know it’ll be safe to say “It is written” along with it. For me “It is written” refers to the inspired
word of God. One thing is for sure, I’ll
never say “It is written” to anything linked to the Anthanasian Creed. “Hearsay at best” maybe, but never “It is
And about the ninth hour Jesus
cried out with a load voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:46 (NKJV)
Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have
not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am
ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’” John 20:17 (NKJV)
“He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the
temple of My God, and he
shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the city of My
God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him
My new name.” Revelation 3:12
After reading
Matthew 27:46, John 20:17 and Revelation 3:12, would you say there are seven
good reasons to believe Messiah Yeshua isn’t the Anthanasian Creeds “the
Son is God”? I would.
It’ll be safe to say Yeshua called the all-knowing God of the [Bible] “My
God,” His God, seven times in them, “It is written”.
To make the words “My God” mean anything but
Jesus’ God and the all-knowing God of the [Bible] are one and the same can only
happen in the world of imagination.
How about the Anthanasian Creeds [false] method of
salvation, what did it take to keep it up and running for the past sixteen
hundred plus years? It took forcing
people to believe what can’t be found in the inspired word of God, “the Son is God”. Those they trusted to teach the truth gave
them no other alternative.
Ask anyone from
the local “church” that teaches the doctrine of the “Trinity” if becoming a
“member” is determined by whether or not an individual has to believe “the Son is God” [or else] to be saved. You’ll know whether or not they’re trusting
the doctrines of men or “It is written” the inspired word of God, if you
If they tell
you a person must believe the doctrine of the “Trinity,” you’ll know they’re
trusting the doctrines of men. They
wouldn’t be teaching the Anthanasian Creeds believe it or else “method” of
salvation in the first place, if they trusted “It is written” Jesus’ teachings
to begin with. If it has anything to do
with the Anthanasian Creed my friends, it’ll be hearsay at best.
I don’t know about you but I trust “It is written”. “Hearsay at best” is after the fact and has
to be put to the test. Looking to see if
it’s trustworthy, is the [Biblically] correct thing to do. Knowing “It is written” endures forever, I’ll
trust it all day long.
It’s [Biblically] impossible for the Son of God to be
the Anthanasian Creeds, “the Son is
God bless.
In His Care…
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