From One Believer To Another

From One Believer to Another

If this is your first time visiting this blog, “Welcome!”

As you read, I pray you’ll not see me as being angry at anyone. Firm at times with some, I’ll agree with that. I know that no matter what a person has gone through, things they’ve said or done, or still doing for that matter, there’s a 50/50 chance of my having sought forgiveness for doing the exact same thing at one time or another. I know the battle is not against flesh and blood my friend.

Throughout this blog you will find me quoting things heard on the radio. You’ll not find the names of those who said these things in the posts. I do document their names, the date, time, and radio station call sign on my copy of the original document. I do not publish these details because our mission should be to expose the false teachings not to personally attack the person.

If you should continue reading my friend, you will find the Anthanasian Creed being exposed for what it is, a false doctrine. The word of God having the final say. My trusting in He who knows hears and sees all things, the God of the [Bible].

Sunday, November 10, 2019

They Wouldn't Suggest

Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?  1 John 5:5 (NKJV)

In the name of Him who was given all authority in heaven and on earth, Messiah Yeshua “Jesus,” greetings. See Matthew 28:18 (NKJV)

As I watched television a follower of the Anthanasian Creed said, “There are things one has to believe to be saved.”  The program was live and sending in questions, was encouraged.  With a little more than an hour remaining in the program, I E-mailed, my question.

Here’s my question, written just the way I sent it: 

You said there are [things] one has to believe to be saved.  Besides [believing in] Jesus Christ, what else does one have to believe to be saved?

Although many of the questions sent in were answered in that one hour time slot, mine wasn’t read or discussed, and I’m okay with that because I didn’t expect it to be.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16 (NKJV)

You can gather as many followers of the Anthanasian Creed as you like, those believing unless one believes the doctrine of the trinity one cannot be saved, and not a single one of them would tell you that John 3:16 is subject to the Anthanasian Creed.  They wouldn’t suggest “that whoever believes in” Jesus, isn’t saved unless they also believe in the Anthanasian Creed.  On second thought, maybe some of them would.  Either way, the person seeking forgiveness for their sins, crying out to Jesus to save them, just prior to them taking their last breath here on earth, will never be subject to followers of the Anthanasian Creed, let alone dammed to hell’s fire for rejecting the Anthanasian Creed altogether.

God bless.
In His Care… Jim

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