From One Believer To Another

From One Believer to Another

If this is your first time visiting this blog, “Welcome!”

As you read, I pray you’ll not see me as being angry at anyone. Firm at times with some, I’ll agree with that. I know that no matter what a person has gone through, things they’ve said or done, or still doing for that matter, there’s a 50/50 chance of my having sought forgiveness for doing the exact same thing at one time or another. I know the battle is not against flesh and blood my friend.

Throughout this blog you will find me quoting things heard on the radio. You’ll not find the names of those who said these things in the posts. I do document their names, the date, time, and radio station call sign on my copy of the original document. I do not publish these details because our mission should be to expose the false teachings not to personally attack the person.

If you should continue reading my friend, you will find the Anthanasian Creed being exposed for what it is, a false doctrine. The word of God having the final say. My trusting in He who knows hears and sees all things, the God of the [Bible].

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Who's Causing Who To Stumble?

“The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever, knows that I am not lying.” 2 Corinthians 11:31 (NKJV)

In the precious and beautiful name of Messiah Yeshua “Jesus,” greetings.

It is good neither to eat meat or drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. Romans 14:21 (NKJV)

While listening to the local “Christian” radio station I heard a pastor say “Romans fourteen is where you’ll find not causing anyone to stumble.”  I’m sure he was referring to Romans 14:21.  He went on to explain that it was Paul, “teaching us not to cause people to stumble.”

“That you may with one mind and with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:6 (NKJV)

This pastor is a follower of the Anthanasian Creed.  I wonder if he’s aware of what soon follows Romans 14:21, in Romans 15:6.  “The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” which clearly establishes Paul’s God and Father and Yeshua’s God and Father are one and, the same.  This in itself creates a [huge] problem for the Anthanasian Creeds, “the Son is God”. 

Why anyone would attempt to take Romans 15:6 and make it say anything else but Paul’s and Yeshua’s God and Father are one and the same, is beyond comprehension. 

It never ceases to amaze me how followers of the Anthanasian Creed don’t recognize that creed as the [source] of their system of belief.  A false one at that.  Every time they attempt to link actual verses of [Scripture] to its [false] method of salvation, they’re only making it easier to prove it a false one.

Unlike the Anthanasian Creed that was adopted as accepted doctrine of the Catholic Church in 325-AD, the inspired word of God endures forever.

Here’s something to think about, don’t confuse the [Biblical] Body of Christ with an earthly institution called “church”.  There’s absolutely no [Biblical] evidence of these being one and, the same.

Those believing the Anthanasian Creed, when did the earthly institution called “church” [surface] begin, specifically the Catholic Church [directly] linked to the so called “Christian doctrine of the Trinity”?  It’s no secret, the Anthanasian Creeds so called “Trinity” did not surface until 325-AD.  This was well after Yeshua’s death burial and resurrection that occurred in the first century.

According to the Anthanasian Creed, this so called “Christian doctrine of the [Trinity]” is directly linked to a “universal church.”  This implies the “Catholic Church” as it is known to us today, holds the key to who can or can’t be [Biblically] saved.  If this is true, who had the authority to make it so?

Revelation 2:1 (NKJV): “The church of Ephesus” [2:8]: “The church in Smyrna” [2:12] “The church in Pergamos” [2:18]: “The church in Thyatira” [3:1] “The church in Sardis” [3:7] “The church in Philadelphia” [3:14] “The church of the Laodiceans”

Between Revelation 2:1 and 3:14, the inspired word of God identifies seven [different] churches, and their [specific] locations.  There’s plenty of [Biblical] evidence, showing followers of the [Biblical] Yeshua visiting these churches.  Apostle Paul being one of them who just so happens to be, according to this pastor, the one teaching us not to cause people to stumble.

If these seven churches [are] the “Catholic Church” thus surfacing in the first century, why then was the Anthanasian Creed necessary in 325-AD?  Paul didn’t give these seven churches any reason to believe, “the Son is God”.  So [did] the “Catholic Church” begin in the first century?  Why do followers of that creed believe the “universal church” is the “Catholic Church” when what it believes and teaches as the only way to be saved surfaced in 325-AD?   

The writer of Revelation, Apostle John, being led by the Spirit of God to do so, is a [true] follower of the [Biblical] Yeshua as well.  I’m confident with saying John isn’t looking to cause anyone to stumble, either.  John wrote what is known to us today as the book of Revelation, near the end of the first century.

Here’s a question for those believing the Anthanasian Creed.  Are you prepared to say the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2:1 through 3:14 are, the “Catholic Church”?  You should be careful not to cause anyone to stumble.  This should be the one priority as [you] consider your answer. 

God bless.

In His Care… Jim

P. S.
Since November of 2011, there has been a total of 617 [individual] postings on this blog.  On 4/1/2017 @ 9:36 AM, I finished placing a number of the older ones in draft mode.  That’s why you’ll see the number of postings decreasing as you go back to 2011.  At this [precise] moment, there are 212 postings available for the public to read.


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